As many of you know, today is my first day back to work since Porter's birth. I am very happy to report that things are going very well! I was a tad concerned about the amount of chaos that would be going on with three babies under three, but the day has gone very smoothly. I have also been mourning the loss of my pajama-filled days with just me and my boy at home, but clothes aren't so bad after all :). I am SO grateful for the seven weeks I was able to spend at home with Porter. He and I had some wonderful time to bond with each other, and I'm really starting to get to know the little guy. I have had lots of well wishes today from loved ones, and for that I am very grateful.
As of right now, all three kids are sleeping (woo hoo!!!) which is why I have time to write a quick post! I have so much more confidence now that we have 3/4 of the day under our belts. Christopher and Brooke love Porter so much. They are just so sweet with him. They are the best little kids, and I missed them so much! They are the same sweet angels I remember from a few weeks ago, just bigger and better! I'm sure I'll have some cute pictures of all of them to post soon.
It's good to be back.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Happy Birthdays!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY (or Papa)! We love you so much and we can't wait to see you next weekend! Hope this birthday is the best so far! You are the best!.jpg)
Isn't he handsome?!
We also have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Porter's Auntie Shannon! Her birthday was yesterday, and we hope it was just wonderful! We miss you and we can't wait to see you in a few weeks. We will have lots of pictures to post of them with Porter from their vacation here! Can't wait!
Also....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Porter's cousins Bryan and Dylan, who's birthdays are this week as well! We miss you and we love you!
Hugs and kisses to all of our family, especially those of you with BIRTHDAYS!!! XOXO
Isn't he handsome?!
Also....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Porter's cousins Bryan and Dylan, who's birthdays are this week as well! We miss you and we love you!
Hugs and kisses to all of our family, especially those of you with BIRTHDAYS!!! XOXO
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Let's discuss why I'm up at 1 am when the baby is not...
Well... Little man is asleep IN HIS CRIB (this is a new development), and he has been there since 9 pm. He ate at 8 pm. That's 5 hours, people. That has never happened in his tiny little life. Perhaps since he turned the ripe old age of 6 weeks old today he believes it is time to sleep longer. Amen, brotha. Now... clearly, had I known this would be the case I would have gone to sleep at 10 pm. However, I kept thinking "he'll be up any minute" and you know how hard it is to wake up after you've JUST fallen asleep, right? Hence the awake-ness. Sadly enough, I will currently stay awake until he wakes up for the same reason. Crazy? Definitely.
This is also why the blog has a fresh new look. I had to stay busy somehow. I was kinda tired of the background not this one's cuter, don't you think?
Wonder when he'll wake up?
Update: Porter woke up precisely 3 minutes after I published this post. 1:03...I kid you not. I was quite relieved, though, because I desperately wanted to go to bed. So a half an hour later, he was fed and fast asleep and I was happily in my bed for the first time. Phew.
I am also happy to report that I was man enough to leave him in his crib ALL night! I am so proud of myself!!! Okay, don't's hard! He's only 6 weeks old! So, I did the back-and-forth across the house all night long for the first time. Not too bad, except poor Mila (the cat) would follow me from door to door wanting to come in each time, and she's not allowed in our rooms at night! I made up for it today with many treats. I am now her favorite person again. Anyway, the night was a success. Craig and Porter definitely got better sleep. Me? I obsessively watched the video monitor all night, but I did manage to sleep, so that's great. It was fun going in his room this morning at 7 to get him out of that crib I've been picturing him in for months. What a good little man.
This is also why the blog has a fresh new look. I had to stay busy somehow. I was kinda tired of the background not this one's cuter, don't you think?
Wonder when he'll wake up?
Update: Porter woke up precisely 3 minutes after I published this post. 1:03...I kid you not. I was quite relieved, though, because I desperately wanted to go to bed. So a half an hour later, he was fed and fast asleep and I was happily in my bed for the first time. Phew.
I am also happy to report that I was man enough to leave him in his crib ALL night! I am so proud of myself!!! Okay, don't's hard! He's only 6 weeks old! So, I did the back-and-forth across the house all night long for the first time. Not too bad, except poor Mila (the cat) would follow me from door to door wanting to come in each time, and she's not allowed in our rooms at night! I made up for it today with many treats. I am now her favorite person again. Anyway, the night was a success. Craig and Porter definitely got better sleep. Me? I obsessively watched the video monitor all night, but I did manage to sleep, so that's great. It was fun going in his room this morning at 7 to get him out of that crib I've been picturing him in for months. What a good little man.
Thursday, July 17, 2008

This morning, Porter gave me the best little present ever! He smiled for the very first time! We were sitting on the couch chatting with each other after he woke up and ate, and he was looking up at the picture that hangs above our couch. I grabbed the camera because he looked like he was really enjoying staring at that picture, and I pushed the button half way down for it to focus, and he flashed his very first smile just in time for me to snap a picture! What are the chances of that?!? The picture below is his first one, and there were many more to follow! It was so fun!

Unfortunately he was looking at this, and not reacting to my wonderfully beautiful and amazingly entertaining face, but whatever. It is definitely his favorite thing to look at. He must know it's filled with the familiar and loving faces of his family!
Here is a video of him smiling. Prepare yourself for out-of-control CUTENESS!

Unfortunately he was looking at this, and not reacting to my wonderfully beautiful and amazingly entertaining face, but whatever. It is definitely his favorite thing to look at. He must know it's filled with the familiar and loving faces of his family!

Here is a video of him smiling. Prepare yourself for out-of-control CUTENESS!
Friday, July 11, 2008
One Month Old!!!

Boy, have we learned a lot in the past month. We have learned so much from our sweet baby boy, mostly that you can't fathom the love that you can have for another human being until you have your own child. He has brought us joy that we can't explain. He is the best gift we have ever been given and we couldn't be happier or more grateful. He has helped me see what an amazing person Craig is. Craig is ten times the father that I ever hoped for and expected for our son. I have never met a man with more patience. I love him so much more now seeing him with our tiny baby.
My heart is so full of gratitude to our Heavenly Father for this most amazing gift. I LOVE being a Mommy, and I am so looking forward to all of the exciting things that are to come for us as a family in the future.
We love you, Porter Davis!!!
Yesterday, on his one-month birthday, we went to have our pictures taken. Here are a few of them.

Our first bottle...phew.
On Wednesday, July 9th, Daddy gave Porter his very first bottle of breastmilk. I was really nervous...nervous that he would take it really well and not want to breastfeed again...nervous that he wouldn't take it, and I would never be able to be away from him for more than 2 hours...just nervous! Turns out, it was kind of down the middle of that road. He definitely didn't like it, but he tried so hard. He would take it for a few seconds and then scream. Craig just set the bottle down and stood up with him and calmed him down. When he re-introduced the bottle he did the same thing....over and over. Craig was so patient with him. They repeated this for about 35 minutes, and Porter drank only an ounce and a half in that time. I nursed him a little while after they finished, and he was never so happy in his little life (I was glad it was over, too)! Thankfully, the next day we tried again and he did MUCH better. We think he will be a fast learner and get the hang of it soon. It was nice to see Craig be able to feed him, since it is such an amazing time to bond with him. Hopefully it will go smoother very soon and the three of us can really relax and enjoy the experience..jpg)
Protesting a little..jpg)
A well deserved bowl of ice cream when all was said and done. Porter was eyeballing it!.jpg)
Protesting a little.
A well deserved bowl of ice cream when all was said and done. Porter was eyeballing it!
4 week appointment
Our little chunker is getting big so fast! Porter had his 4 week checkup on Tuesday, July 8th. He had a great appointment, despite being advised to switch diaper brands because of his sensitive hiney. I was totally shocked when they put him on the scale and he weighes 9 lbs 9.5 oz!!! WOW! That's almost 2 1/2 lbs. since he was born! His doctor was very happy! He also has not grown any in length since his 2 week appointment, so we know he's just getting thicker!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Our random activities
This is what's been going on around here that last few days! Brace yourself for pure excitement!
We were in the car, and I thought he looked like Elvis with his hair and his collar sticking up, so naturally I grabbed the camera...which is never more than 6 inches away from my hands. What a face!.jpg)
We got him a new bathtub, and he LOVES it! It fits right in the kitchen sink until we are ready to put it in the tub, and it folds up super small! We use the sprayer to wash him and he doesn't make a peep. I think it's his favorite time of day!
Hanging out with Daddy while Mommy was on the phone. Shocker! .jpg)
We were in the car, and I thought he looked like Elvis with his hair and his collar sticking up, so naturally I grabbed the camera...which is never more than 6 inches away from my hands. What a face!
We got him a new bathtub, and he LOVES it! It fits right in the kitchen sink until we are ready to put it in the tub, and it folds up super small! We use the sprayer to wash him and he doesn't make a peep. I think it's his favorite time of day!
Looking out the window. This is one of the outfits that Krissy bought for him. From the looks of this he was a little ticked about it. I think he thinks it's a little wussy, but what can you possibly do about it when you're less than a month old? Mommy clearly loves it..jpg)
Cutest little butt ever..jpg)
This is his Fourth of July outfit! Too bad we didn't do anything exciting so anyone could see him in, now you see it!.jpg)
I lied, we went to Barnes & Noble and Wal-Mart. We also picked up Daddy's car from Tire Kingdom and then watched the Macy's firworks show on TV. That's exciting, right?.jpg)
Cutest little butt ever.
This is his Fourth of July outfit! Too bad we didn't do anything exciting so anyone could see him in, now you see it!
I lied, we went to Barnes & Noble and Wal-Mart. We also picked up Daddy's car from Tire Kingdom and then watched the Macy's firworks show on TV. That's exciting, right?
We love our friends and family!
We have been so blessed to have so many loving visitors come to see us and the new baby. It has been so fun to be able to catch up with loved ones that we don't get to see very often! Here is a recap of the last few...
My friend Shannon came to visit on Saturday, July 5th, with her two beautiful little girls, Madison and Ella. We had a great time and wished they could have stayed longer! Ella made us laugh every second, and Mattie LOOOOVED Porter! She always wanted to be able to see him, sit by him, and hold him. It was so cute! She was also very interested when I would feed him...she would ask "what's he eating?" It was such a great visit!.jpg)
Porter and the girls..jpg)
Aunt Shannon and Uncle Derek with Porter. Thanks for coming up! We can't wait to see you again! Thanks, also, for the sweet gifts you brought for Porter!
My best friend Krissy came to visit Monday, June 30th, to Wednesday, July2nd. We had so much fun while she was here! We shopped and lounged around, and Kris helped out so much by cooking us meals and cleaning up the house. She also spoiled Porter by buying him lots of cute clothes! This is when she met him for the first time..jpg)
Quality time together..jpg)
My friend Shannon came to visit on Saturday, July 5th, with her two beautiful little girls, Madison and Ella. We had a great time and wished they could have stayed longer! Ella made us laugh every second, and Mattie LOOOOVED Porter! She always wanted to be able to see him, sit by him, and hold him. It was so cute! She was also very interested when I would feed him...she would ask "what's he eating?" It was such a great visit!
Porter and the girls.
Aunt Shannon and Uncle Derek with Porter. Thanks for coming up! We can't wait to see you again! Thanks, also, for the sweet gifts you brought for Porter!

My best friend Krissy came to visit Monday, June 30th, to Wednesday, July2nd. We had so much fun while she was here! We shopped and lounged around, and Kris helped out so much by cooking us meals and cleaning up the house. She also spoiled Porter by buying him lots of cute clothes! This is when she met him for the first time.
Quality time together.
Sorry, Kris! I had to post this one! I was downstairs when Porter woke up...Aunt Krissy came to his rescue, fresh out of her bed! I will definitely cherish this one forever.
She's teaching him her ways already..jpg)
She calls him "boy." "Boy is hungry", "Boy is tired", "Boy is mad at his mom, but never mad at his Aunt Krissy....never." Boy loves his Aunt Krissy! We miss you!.jpg)
My mom, Porter's Nana, came to help right after Craig's mom left. Since I was feeling pretty good by this point, we did a lot of running around, shopping, cricuting, etc. (that's right....cricuting.) Nana was a great taxi driver because I couldn't drive yet (plus I like sitting in the back with the noonie!) Nana cooked and cleaned and kept me and the little guy company, and she was a great babysitter when I needed a nap! We miss you, Mom! Thanks again for everything..jpg)
I love you, Mommy!.jpg)
We also want to thank everyone else who took the time to come and visit us after Porter's arrival. Craig's parents were a HUGE help, especially because it was the hardest part of my recovery. His mom waited on me hand and foot, and cooked and cleaned and organized like a PRO! Our house was in MUCH better condition after Granny left! Thank you SO much for everything you did for us!

She's teaching him her ways already.
She calls him "boy." "Boy is hungry", "Boy is tired", "Boy is mad at his mom, but never mad at his Aunt Krissy....never." Boy loves his Aunt Krissy! We miss you!
My mom, Porter's Nana, came to help right after Craig's mom left. Since I was feeling pretty good by this point, we did a lot of running around, shopping, cricuting, etc. (that's right....cricuting.) Nana was a great taxi driver because I couldn't drive yet (plus I like sitting in the back with the noonie!) Nana cooked and cleaned and kept me and the little guy company, and she was a great babysitter when I needed a nap! We miss you, Mom! Thanks again for everything.
I love you, Mommy!
We also want to thank everyone else who took the time to come and visit us after Porter's arrival. Craig's parents were a HUGE help, especially because it was the hardest part of my recovery. His mom waited on me hand and foot, and cooked and cleaned and organized like a PRO! Our house was in MUCH better condition after Granny left! Thank you SO much for everything you did for us!
We were also thrilled that so many others were able to come up and see us, including Aunt Tori, Uncle Doug, Papa, and Aunt Joni. We are looking forward to my cousin Anita and her family's arrival tomorrow, and we can't wait to be able to see the rest of our family!
Craig and I are so blessed to belong to such wonderful families, and to have such great friends. We count you all as blessings in our lives, and Porter is a lucky little boy to have you all as a part of his life! Thank you for sharing this journey with us! We love you all! XOXO
Kaleb and Porter
My friend Heather had her baby boy, Kaleb Arran Daveline, on Friday, June 6th, just 4 days before Porter was born. We really enjoyed going through our pregnancies together, and we've already decided our boys will be best buddies! Heather and Kaleb came over last Monday for their first playdate! They were so cute together! Kaleb was 9 lbs. 11 oz. when he was born, and Porter has yet to hit that mark, so they definitely look different! It was so fun to see them together for the first time since they were born. What a couple of cutie pies!.jpg)
Bum update...
We are happy to report that the bum is all clear of any diaper rash :) The dr. prescribed another cream, a spiffy one that is mixed at only one pharmacy in the area, and it worked wonders. We have a happy hiney and a happy baby! Thanks for all of your concerns about his little rash! Phew!
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