Sunday, September 21, 2008

more pictures for your viewing pleasure

Beach baby...
believe it or not, he has already outgrown this outfit. :(

Craig took this picture...quite impressive!
That is tropical storm Hanna in the distance.

Don't you just want to KISS that face?!?! If I had a nickel for every time this baby has been kissed, I would surely be RICH!

I absolutely love this picture of Abby and Lissie. Best friends or what?!
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Barb said...

Toooo cute for words. Just love those chubby cheeks.

What a great picture of peaceful Porter watching the destructive hurricane approaching. Pretty impressive.

Love the picture of Abby and Lissie.

Lots of love,

Kendra said...

I LOVE that picture with the storm. That's got to be one of your favorites, what with your slight weather obsession :)

Come play with me!

Notme said...

Oh I love the beach! Why do our babies get so big so fast? Chayce is already 17 lbs!

JBarr said...

Ah, I see he has Moma's eyes :-)

Unknown said...

I am so glad you are taking him to the beach! I was worried he would be deprived:)J/K Great pictures - he's a beauty! Miss you like crazyXOXOXOXOXOXOX