Happy Birthday, Doug! Today is my brother's 29th brithday...old man!!! SO, in honor of your special day, I am posting this picture of my son in which he looks EXACTLY LIKE YOU!!! He really looks so much like you, especially lately.
We love you so much and we hope your birthday is awesome!
Happy Birthday Doug - if you are an old man, then I hate to think what I am! Hope the year ahead will be a really great one for you.
I have to agree - you nephew does look a lot like you - he is cuter though!
Barbie, just love the pictures, especially the ones where Porter is serious - just can't believe how much has grown.
You found me first!! Ha ha - I couldn't not post that deal!!!!!! You can come to dinner anytime, as long as you have Porter with you :)
Barbie! It was so good to hear from you! Porter is so stinkin' adorable...what a cutie! I especially love the picture of him a few posts back with the stuffed puppy...so sweet!
That's funny that you're in John and Sarah's ward! Have you always been in Jacksonville? We saw that your husband won that award for his job...that's awesome!
You guys look like such a happy little family! If ya'll ever come over to Tallahassee, you'll have to stop by for dinner or games, or just to let the babies play together!
Barbie - The Farmer's Market is open all day every day! Which one are you talking about that is only once a month?
Barbie- Porter is so stinking adorable. i just want to pinch his cheekies!! Miss you on the FF boards. I renewed for like 10.00 limited membershio, can't use charting but can still chat :)
Hey I think I finally got registered on this thing. And yes I am almost 30!! Thanks for the birthday wishes. I might be stopping by in early November. We shall see!!
Holy look-a-like batman!
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