Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Nursing no more

Time goes by so quickly. It's hard for me to believe that such an important part of my life and Porter's is over. Two weeks ago today, I nursed my baby for the last time. Unfortunately for me, I didn't realize it would be the last time, or I would have held him and nursed him forever into the night.

I am thankful that it was Porter's decision to stop. I never wanted to go through a weaning period where I had to refuse him the comfort he really wanted and needed. It has been a difficult transition for me, but thankfully an easy one for him. He just decided he was done, and never went back. I didn't want to throw in the towel easily, in case he were just on a temporary strike, so I tried day and night for a week with no success, and then we moved on. He has shown no desire to nurse again.

I am SO thankful that I was able to nurse him. My original goal was to exclusively nurse him for one year and I am so thankful that we were able to do that with no difficulites. I honestly thought he would nurse for months more, and it stings a little to have had no idea it was coming. But still...I am grateful for the way things turned out, and I am grateful for every single time I was able to snuggle and nourish my baby boy.


Mrs. Blimes said...

wow, this post choked me up. I know it's not too far off when Miles decided he's had enough nursing as well. It is SO SAD how fast they grow...

Vivid Vinyl said...

I am so glad that it was not torture - like a pacifier is!

I have been thinking about you a lot. I hope too see you soon!

Quesadillas anyone?

Notme said...

congrats on the weaning. We only made it about 6 months but that was mostly my fault. I know it's hard but you did awesome!

Brad said...

It's hard when they decide to stop nursing. Brock did that to me at 6 months. We need to get together some friday soon.
Amber Fausett

Patti said...

Dude, update please! I need pictures!!!

Jenny said...

Oh Barbie:) It is nice when it is their decision, and maybe even nicer that you didn't know at the time, think how sad that would have been. Ryan is still nursing before sleeping. Reid was easy because he very graduall cut back and I was pregnant and over it. I am just about over it with Ryan, but he is still interested. Anyway, congratulations on making it to your goal!! I am proud of you!!!