Saturday, December 13, 2008

blah, blah, blah.

Porter has really found his voice lately and is constantly talking! His favorite thing to say is "blah, blah, blah." That's probably his interpretation of what he hears Mommy saying to him all day. "Yeah, mom. Blah, blah, blah. I hear ya." He is such a joy and he keeps getting cuter by the minute. He is the most wonderful and constant blessing in our lives and we fall deeper in love with him with every day that passes.

I have some serious blogging to do about what has happened in our lives recently, but to be honest it's all a little overwhelming, so I feel like I need a 6 hour blog session to be able to catch up. I will try my best in the next week or so to get caught up so that I can tell you all about our trip to Colorado for Christmas when we get back!

Stay tuned for some updates on what we've been up to. Love to all.


Shannon said...

I love it when they make those sweet little noises. Just wait though, it leads to "you drive me nuts, Mom!" Abby told me that yesterday!!!

Wendy Updegraff said...

where was all of this talking on Saturday? He is such a cutie pie, I'm so lucky to have met you guys!

Vivid Vinyl said...

Cute! Cute! Cute!