Thursday, February 12, 2009

A very busy two weeks!

These last couple of weeks have been so very busy! I have had a very hard time finding the time to blog, so we have lots of catching up to do... Porter has made some of the biggest milestones of his little life in the last couple of weeks! It is so much fun to watch him grow and discover what he is capable of. He is such a sweet boy, and we continue to fall deeper in love with him every day!

My mom, Porter's Nana, came to visit us last Monday through Friday. It was SO wonderful having her here! She was super helpful and we had such a great time together. She snuggled on Porter a whole lot in effort to tide him over with "Nana love" until next time :) We love you, Nana! Thanks so much for making the trip to come see us, and thanks to Papa for letting us borrow her for a week! xoxo

Sorry this first picture is sideways. Blogger and I aren't getting along very well right now. Anyway, Porter has been very busy growing TEETH in the last couple of weeks! He has had a hard time, but he has been such a trooper. We love frozen washcloths and sippy cups with cold water. Motrin has been a lifesaver for the little pumpkin, too. He has really struggled getting those little bad boys through his gums, but now that they are through he seems to be much happier! So sad, huh?!

Click on this picture to make it bigger and you will see what has been giving our boy such a hard time! Poor baby! Teething is evil! Those little peggies are dang adorable, though!

While he was working so hard on pushing those little ivories through his gums, he unfortunately got a cold. After a while I took him to the doctor just to get him checked out, and what do you ear infection. Double whammy. Poor baby again! He has definitely been very sad and clingy, but ever-so-sweet. He has also learned to say "mamama" when he is sad or upset. It is literally the sweetest thing ever and I love it! I have a video that I will attempt to post.

On a happier note, our little explorer figured out the proper way to crawl! He has been scooting around for quite some time, but finally figured out that he can move while he's up in that hands-and-knees position! The funny thing is that he only does 3 or 4 "steps" and then its back to his's faster! I haven't gotten it on video yet, but I'm trying!

He has also learned how to pull himself up to standing! What a big boy!

Because of the aforementioned crawling and standing, we knew it was time to make some changes around the TerBlanche household. Daddy Duty #1: cabinet locks. These are the world's most frustrating but necessary evil. Those who have installed these know what I'm talking about. Anyone out there who can design an easier one will be a millionaire, guaranteed. Here is a picture of Porter helping Daddy fix up our kitchen cabinets.
Daddy duty #2: lowering the crib! I don't have a picture of it lowered yet, but this was taken just a few days before it was changed. Mommy doesn't like it because the bedding doesn't look as cute and I feel like he is in baby-jail now that the rails show. I actually almost cried when I saw the finished product. Plus low mattresses mean you have a big baby in there! My baby is getting SO big! Boo hoo!
Speaking of our big boy...he turned 8 months old an February 10th!!! Here is his monthly picture of him with his puppy! We didn't get the most fabulous of shots this month because he wasn't in a very happy mood. He does LOVE to be naked, though, so that usually makes him a little more cooperative. Love this chubby baby!
He has also learned to help Mommy with the dishes! Okay...not really, but he loves hanging out by the dishwasher! One day, little boy, you will want to get as FAR away from the dishwasher as possible :)AND, believe it or not... through all of this craziness in the last little while, our sweet noonie managed to get EVEN CUTER! Can you believe that?!


Barb said...

I can not believe how much has happened in such a short time. I am not biased or anything, but he is the cutest little ever. That smile just melts you and his sad look just makes you want to cuddle him.

Can't wait to see all his new tricks for myself.

Love and miss you all so much.


Shannon said...

Thank you so much for the update. The girls and I have missed seeing Porter. What a sweet little boy. He's growing up so fast.
Love and miss you lots!!!

The Poore Family! said...

Pretty much the cutest little boy I've ever seen!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhh Porter, how I love you!

Jessica said...

I need to meet this cute baby in person. Come visit me this week in Tampa. Melissa is coming. :) P.S. I haven't posted Kellen's 8 month milestones you are ahead of me. :)

bnmwhitney said...

YEAH for the updates. I realize how fast time gets away while we are busy having a life. He sure is getting so big. He is so different than the tiny man I sobbed over leaving 8 months ago. It is still amazing to me how such a little person can make such a huge impact and fill a void where you didnt even know there was one. I love him so much. Thanks for making me an aunt! You and Craig have a sweet little man and you are doing smashingly as parents! Kisses to all!


The Miller Family said...

He IS so so cute!

Good luck with the teething...hate that!